TwistedFates Wiki

These are terms used in the TwistedFates series that one must become familiar with. Some are simple abbreviations, and others are more complex terms.


  • Auronian: A Serian who was born in Auron. Auronians have golden rounded triangular markings on their face, and golden-tipped ears.
  • Aura: An emanation surrounding the body of a living creature.
    • Purple: Corrupted; some corrupted are actually nice people, like Remy for instance. Corruption levels range from 50-100%.
    • Teal: Neutral. Some lean toward corruption, others fight against it. Corruption levels at 41-49%
    • Blue: Pure; usually previously corrupted. Warrior of light. Corruption levels at 20-40%.
    • Gold: Never infected, pure. Some people with Gold Auras are actually involved in the war. Corruption levels at 0-19%.
  • Aura vision example

    Gale is Neutral (top). Remy is Corrupted (bottom).

    Aura Vision: A method of sightseeing that enables the user to detect the auras of any living thing around them. An example of Aura vision can be seen to the right. (see main article.)


  • Banshee: A title given to a creature chosen to protect the Heart and Core of the Parasite Nest. Banshees can take on any shape and are given a temporary Limit Breaker that can be accessed only once when they detach from the nest. They must reattach to the nest and recharge for a period of time to be able to access their Limit Breaker again. Some Banshees recharge faster than others. They serve a similar purpose in the World Wide Network.
  • "Bugged": A term used to describe something that contains one or many Parasites.


  • Chosen: See main entry.
  • Core: The center of the Nest . This is where the nest is controlled and maintained. When a Heart attaches to the Core of the Nest, they are symbiotically attached and can control basically every inch of the Nest. The production, quanitity, and development time of the Parasites, for example, are controlled by the Core's Heart.
  • Corrupted: One who has been completely overtaken by and going though the sixth and seventh phases of "the Corruption Virus". At this point, there is a notch in the person's ear, and the all Corrupted markings-- save for the ring around the neck-- are present. Only when the Corruption is completed by someone who's completely turned does the ring around the neck appear.
  • "Cloaked": A term applied to any Infected/Corrupted who are disguised to be one of the Pure races. While they can bypass any machine sensors, their aura can still be detected by people who can sense Auras using Aura Vision .


  • Dragon: An Infected/Corrupted Jagaian. See "Corrupted".
  • Dry Season: The Summer and Fall Seasons are collectively referred to as "Dry Season". During this time, the water separating the districts become shallow enough to cross (as if the island slightly lifted itself out the water), and the rivers run a lot smoother than they usually do. It still rains during dry season, but not as much.



  • Feral: An Infected/Corrupted Saphanian. See "Corrupted".



  • Hive Mind: A type of collective consciousness where individuality is stifled. The more prominent bits of the Oniyan hive mind is exclusively focused in the Naginata clan. See main article.
  • Hunters: A term applied to Rebels and Slayers, collectively. See main article.


  • Infected: Someone who is currently going through phases 1-5 of "The Sickness". At this point, there is no notch in the victim's ears, but the markings do eventually resemble that of a Naginata's.




  • Life Force: Another term used for a person's aura; the semi-tangible entity that enables a person to channel pure or corrupted energy through their body and weapons. Natural objects, such as rocks, trees, and grass also contain life forces.
  • Life Stream: The collection of Life Forces/Auras in a selected area. For example, the overall Life Stream of La Seri is what powers the Great Hurricane, because it is mostly pure. However, there are "Cracks" in the Life Stream. These Cracks are created by the overabundance of Corruption.


  • Manipulator: A Corrupted being who can manipulate mind and matter to his/her liking.
  • "Masked": A term applied to those who are being corrupted via Guardian's mask.


  • Naginata: A term applied to Oniyans willing to spread Corruption who have joined the ranks of Xenon Naginata's family. See main article.
  • Nest: A collosal, organic breeding ground for Parasites. Oniyans can also be nutured here by resting inside any present empty eggs. People can be Corrupted by being forced into one of the empty eggs.



  • pal: The abbreviation for the Serian Currency, the Pearl.



  • Rebel: A Hunter who focuses on the curing (and sometimes slaying) of Infected and the slaying of Parasites. They are like the vigilantes of the Hunters and focus on more offensive missions.
  • Rewiring: A technique used by Manipulators to alter the thought patterns of a specified target. (full article)


  • Scar: (scarred); Previously infected are physically scarred; their bodies are still elongated, and even though teeth return to normal, the fangs remain. Psychologically, they are more subject to go through the last 3 of the seven stages of corruption, better known there as "The Sickness", unless they are treated. There is also a repetition of certain tendencies the ex-Corrupted picked up while they were corrupted. For example, Luke Hirigani sleeps every three nights and starves himself on many occassions.
  • Sickness, The: See full article .
  • Siren: An Infected/Corrupted Silvanian. See "Corrupted".
  • Slayer: A Hunter who focuses on the curing of Infected and the slaying of Parasites. They are like the "good cops" of the Hunters and focus on more defensive missions.


  • Tainted: Another term for Corrupted and Infected, collectively. Often used by those who follow/are aware of the Diamonian culture. It was first introduced by the Diamonians when they reported in lore that some form of corrupted harmony landed on the planet and tainted the soil that it touched. Also used in terms of the Life Stream and Life Force.
  • Technosis: A robotic-like state of mind where the person who triggers this state attaches directly to the hivemind. While some people are permanently stuck in this state, such as the Guardians, there are others who can willingly trigger it, also keeping their personality. An example of this special case is Maxi and Musiq, who can sync their minds even more precisely by triggering the condition through their headsets.
  • The Sickness: (main article)


  • Unchosen: See main entry.
  • Untainted: (also used referred to as Pure) A being who is untouched by Corruption. Even an Ex is not considered an untainted because there is still venom in his/her body. Also used in terms of the Life Stream and Life Force.


  • Venom: A biproduct that results when the parasitic cells multiply. Usually sent to the venom-sac (attached to the esophagus) through the Infected/Corrupted's bloodstream. When the ratio of parasite blood:venom reaches a certain level, side effects such as uncontrollable rage and sickness surface.


  • Warlord: The highest rank in the Oniyan empire. Warlords are special Parasite Kings/Queens that control the Oniyan military force (Guardians). There are three Warlords.
  • Wet Season: Name for the Spring and Winter seasons, collectively. During this time, the water separating the Districts can only be crossed with a vessel (boat, jetski, etc.), unless someone's a really good swimmer. During this time, it rains quite often, in some places more than others.
  • World Wide Network (WWN): The digital equivalent of Ambrosia; a virtual reality of sorts. (main article )




These are terms used in the TwistedFates series that one must become familiar with. Some are simple abbreviations, and others are more complex terms.
